Exercise 6.4 - Summary:

In pg-admin, create a SQL script that does the following:


  • Sales_Header. Alias as sh
  • Sales_Detail. Alias as sd


  • Distinct Count of sale_id. Alias as total_transactions
  • Sum of total items_sold. Alias as total_products_sold
  • Average feedback_score rounded to 1 decimal place. Alias as avg_feedback
  • Sum of total revenue_net. Alias as revenue
  • Sum of total cost_of_sales. Alias as cost_of_sales
  • Sum of total revenue_net minus sum of total cost_of_sales. Alias as gross_profit

  • Test this script in PostgreSQL

    • The names and data should match the screenshot
  • Convert this SQL script into a VIEW called v_Summary

  • Append SQL to SELECT * FROM this VIEW into the space provided in line 13 of backend/routes/summary.js

  • Save and close backend/routes/summary.js

You may need to close and re-run your Docker session for this to take effect

1. Expected call to summary route http://localhost:5001/summary
  • This is the data that our front-end will use to populate the Summary cards on the web page

2. Expected Summary Cards View