A set of often parametised SQL queries

A VIEW can execute a single SQL statement


  • Chain and execute multiple SQL statements
  • Accept input parameters to influence the result
  • Accept output parameters
These are complicated to write at first but it has similarities with functions in coding languages
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE <schema_name>.<proc_name>(
<input_param_1>, <input_param_2>)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' | 'sql'
DECLARE <variable_name> <data_type>
  • CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE = The name of the procedure and the schema it which it should be stored
  • <input_param_1>, <input_param_2> = Any external input parameters (optional)
  • LANGUAGE = PL/pgSQL is a procedural programming language supported by PostgreSQL
  • $BODY$ = A token in between two dollar signs to avoid having to stringify the whole procedure
    • Using 'BODY' is a convention but it could be any value (e.g. $BOOTCAMP$)
  • DECLARE = Any internally declared variables we can use in our procedure
  • BEGIN ... END = Area in which the SQL statements are batched as a TRANSACTION
Example - Generating Sales

Our sequel-mart-schema includes a procedure for generating randomised sales (p_sales_generate)

If we:

  • Right-click on the procedure
  • Click Properties...
  • Click the Code tab

We access the PLPGSQL code between the $BODY$ tags

This procedure:

  • Accepts an INTEGER input field called 'sales'
    • This specifies how many sales you want to generate
  • Counts the number of customers who could make a sale and stores it as 'customer_total'
  • Iterates through the number of 'sales' we want to generate and assigns:


  • A random customer_id using the 'customer_total' variable as a range
  • A random sale_date
  • A random feedback_score


  • A random number of products to include in this sale (between 1 and 20). For each product we assign:
    • The number of items sold (between 1 and 10)
    • The product itself (weighted with a more popular product more likely to be chosen)
    • The product's unit_sales_price and wholesale_price
Calling a Procedure

A procedure can be executed using CALL

CALL <schema_name>.p_<proc_name>(<input_param_1>, <input_param_2>)
If you run the 'p_sales_generate' procedure now, your results for the exercises in section 6 will be different from the screenshots

For example if we were to run:

CALL 'sequel-mart-schema'.'p_sales_generate'(100);

We would:

  • Add 100 new randomly generated sales transactions to our Sales_Header table
  • Add about 1,000 new product purchases to our Sales_Detail table
1. Procedures (Location in Browser Tab) 2. Procedures (Navigate to the code) 3. Procedures (Navigate to the code)