Clear a table

Tell the server that you want to:

  • Remove all existing record(s) in a table
  • Reset it’s cache (reset any incrementing keys, indexes, data space)
TRUNCATE TABLE <schema_name>.<table_name>;
- Truncating will remove ALL existing data from a table. Check before committing!
- Not a pleasant feeling if done unintentionally!

Let's clear the stage_Product_Offers in readiness for more CSV files in the future:

TRUNCATE TABLE "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers";

This removes every record from this table. All other tables are unaffected.


  • We could use the shorthand TRUNCATE instead of TRUNCATE TABLE

    TRUNCATE "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers";
1. All columns of the stage_Product_Offers table 2. Truncate stage_Product_Offers 3. stage_Product_Offers is empty once truncated