Hide records / Prepare for Removal

Tell the server that you want to:

  • Mark records in a table for deletion (soft-delete)
  • Keep it’s cache (any incrementing keys, indexes, data space)
  • Some Database Management Systems will remove them completely
FROM <schema_name>.<table_name>
WHERE <field1> = <value1>;
- Deleting will remove existing data. Check before committing!
- If there is no WHERE clause, every row will be deleted.
- Not a pleasant feeling if done unintentionally!

Let's remove any offers from the stage_Product_Offers table where:

  • The offer started before 1st May 2021
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers"
WHERE offer_start_date < '2021-05-01';

This removes the 3 offers from our table that started before 1st May 2021

1. All columns of the stage_Product_Offers table 2. Delete stage_Product_Offers that started before May 2021 3. Offers that started before May 2021 removed from stage_Product_Offers