We're ready to apply the discounts to our Sales_Detail table

If we have a look at our Sales_Detail table there are columns for:

  • discount
  • revenue_net
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail"

We need to update these columns to reflect offers that applied to them.

Obviously in the real world, this would be applied at the time of sale
How do we do that?

We need to:

  • Identify the products:
    • The offers apply to
    • When the offers applied (the date range)
  • Find the transactions where an offer was active for that product
  • Apply the discount for those transactions as specified in Product_Offers
Where do we find this information?

Four tables each hold pieces to this puzzle so let's go through the requirements slowly.

If we start with the Entity Relationship Diagram updated to include:

  • The Product_Offers table
  • Ability to join to Products and Sales_Detail on their product_id columns
Updated ERD, including the Product_Offers table

We'll definitely need to know information about:
  1. Products
    • How much revenue was made in the transaction? (Sales_Detail.revenue)
    • What was the discount on offer? (Product_Offers.offer_discount_percentage)

If we join Sales_Detail, Products and Product_Offers we get a query like this:

SELECT sd.sale_detail_id, sd.revenue
	, po.offer_name, po.offer_discount_percentage
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail" AS sd
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers" AS po ON sd.product_id = po.product_id

  1. Dates
    • When did the transaction happen? (Sales_Header.date_id)
    • What was the calendar date? (Dates.date_alt)
    • Was the transaction date and product discounted? (Product_Offers.offer_start_date)

If we add Sales_Header and Dates to our query it should look something like this:

SELECT sd.sale_detail_id, sd.revenue
	, po.offer_name, po.offer_discount_percentage
	, sh.date_id
	, dt.date_alt
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail" AS sd
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers" AS po ON sd.product_id = po.product_id
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Header" AS sh ON sh.sale_id = sd.sale_id
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Dates" AS dt ON dt.date_id = sh.date_id

We're getting there. The final problem is to solve is:

  • Ensuring that discounts are only applied between their start and end dates

We can solve that by adding a WHERE clause that only includes rows if:

  • The sales date falls BETWEEN the offer start and end date

We can remove:

  • sh.date_id (This was only there to prove the join worked between Sales_Header and Dates)

This gives us a final list of 142 transactions that are valid for applying a discount

SELECT sd.sale_detail_id, sd.revenue
	, po.offer_name, po.offer_discount_percentage
	, dt.date_alt
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail" AS sd
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers" AS po ON sd.product_id = po.product_id
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Header" AS sh ON sh.sale_id = sd.sale_id
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Dates" AS dt ON dt.date_id = sh.date_id
WHERE dt.date_alt BETWEEN po.offer_start_date AND po.offer_end_date;
Calculating the discount

If we take sale_detail_id of 60 as an example:

  • revenue = £2.28 (£0.76 unit_sales_price * 3 items_sold)
  • offer_discount_percentage = 7.00% (divide by 100 to get the calculation value 0.07)


  • discount = £0.16 (should be £2.28 * 0.07 (7.00% / 100))
    • sd.revenue * (po.offer_discount_percentage / 100) AS discount
  • revenue_net = £2.12 (£2.28 - £0.16)
    • sd.revenue - (sd.revenue * (po.offer_discount_percentage / 100)) AS revenue_net

We can add those two columns and we can remove:

  • po.offer_name (Not needed in the final calculation)
  • po.offer_discount_percentage (Not needed in the final calculation)
  • dt.date_alt (Not needed in the final calculation)

Writing the UPDATE statement

There is a lot to unpack in the final statement:

UPDATE "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail" AS sd
SET discount = disc.discount
	, revenue_net = disc.revenue_net
	SELECT sd.sale_detail_id
		, sd.revenue * (po.offer_discount_percentage / 100) AS discount
		, sd.revenue - (sd.revenue * (po.offer_discount_percentage / 100)) AS revenue_net
	FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail" AS sd
	INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers" AS po ON sd.product_id = po.product_id
	INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Header" AS sh ON sh.sale_id = sd.sale_id
	INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Dates" AS dt ON dt.date_id = sh.date_id
	WHERE dt.date_alt BETWEEN po.offer_start_date AND po.offer_end_date
) AS disc
WHERE sd.sale_detail_id = disc.sale_detail_id;

Let's go through each section:


  • The table we want to update ("sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail")
  • Aliased sd to shorten the reference in the WHERE clause


  • Apply the calculations above for discount and revenue_net
  • We are using the calculations in the sub-query (aliased disc)


  • Earlier we looked at sub-queries.
  • We can package our final SELECT between brackets and alias it as another FROM
  • This separates the table we want to UPDATE from the logic we want to apply
  • We don't need to reference any columns other than:
    • sale_detail_id for joining to the Sale_Detail table we're updating
    • discount and revenue_net as these are the columns we're updating
  • The 5 tables and joins are the same as the final query we worked out

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Detail"
ORDER BY sale_detail_id;

Now if we query Sales_Detail and scroll down, the first discounts are:

  • sale_detail_id 60
    • Sale date = 29th May 2021
    • Product = 76 (Savoy Cabbage)
    • Offer ID = 7 (Valid on product id 76 between 4th May and 1st July 2021)
    • Discount = 7.00% (£2.28 * 0.07 = £0.16)
  • sale_detail_id 73
    • Sale date = 13th July 2021
    • Product = 51 (Victoria Plums)
    • Offer ID = 11 (Valid on product id 51 between 4th May and 1st July 2021)
    • Discount = 7.08% (£15.84 * 0.0708 = £1.12)

This section brings together some of the concepts we've learned so far

It is complicated at first so please feel free to come back here later on and practice further

1. All columns of the Sales_Detail table 2. Sales_Detail joined to Products and Discounts (Green line = table separation) 3. Date information added to the above query 4. UPDATE query executed 5. Sales_Detail with discounts applied