Tell the server that you want to change existing record(s) in a table
UPDATE <schema_name>.<table_name>
SET <field_name1> = <new_value>, <field_name2> = <new_value>
WHERE <field_name3> = <filter>;
  • UPDATE - Specify the table we want to update
  • SET - What we want the value of each column to be
  • If more than one column should be changed, separate them with commas
If you don't include a WHERE clause, every row in the table will be updated!
Product Offers (Single Row and Column)

We have been informed that the 4.85% discount for 'Gooseberry Seasonal Saver' should actually be 5.25%.


UPDATE "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
SET offer_discount_percentage = 5.25
WHERE offer_name = 'Gooseberry Seasonal Saver';

will make that change. We could also have said:

UPDATE "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
SET offer_discount_percentage = 5.25
WHERE offer_id = 2;

Now if we check our table, we'll see offer_discount_percentage for this offer has changed to 5.25. All other records are unaffected.

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
ORDER BY offer_id;
Product Offers (Single Row, Multiple Column)

Next we have been informed of some inaccuracies with our Introductory Offer:

  • Rename it 'Broad Bean Counter'
  • Change the discount percentage to 6.50%
  • Change the offer start and end dates to '2021-03-01' and '2021-03-30'

The SQL for this can include multiple values for SET, separated by commas

UPDATE "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
SET offer_name = 'Broad Bean Counter'
	, offer_discount_percentage = 6.50
	, offer_start_date = '2021-03-01'
	, offer_end_date = '2021-03-30'
WHERE offer_id = 1;
Product Offers (Multiple Row, Single Column)

A further change request has been issued to us:

  • We can increase the discount on offers 3, 4, 6 and 8 by a further 5%

To do this we can:

  • Use the offer_discount_percentage in the SET statement
    • This will effectively treat every offer_discount_percentage as a local variable
    • e.g. Offer 3 will substitute offer_discount_percentage for 11.95
    • We can multiply that by 1.05 to get 12.55
  • Use the IN operator to list the offers we want to include in the WHERE clause
UPDATE "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
SET offer_discount_percentage = offer_discount_percentage * 1.05
WHERE offer_id IN (3, 4, 6, 8);

After we have done this, offers 3, 4, 6 and 8 are 5% more than they were before.

The datatype numeric(4,2) ensures they are rounded to 2 decimal places

1. UPDATE the Gooseberry discount from 4.85% to 5.25% 2. Gooseberry discount updated to 5.25% 3. Offer ID 1 Multiple Changes 4. Offer ID 1 After Multiple Changes 5. Offer IDs 3,4,6,8 discount increased by a further 5% 6. Offer IDs 3,4,6,8 discount increased by a further 5%


We have received more instructions:

  1. Increase the offer_discount_percentage by 10% on any offer_ids between 12 and 16
    • HINT: You can use the BETWEEN operator to get the IDs if they are consecutive
  2. Reduce the offer_discount_percentage by 5% on any offer_name that ends with the word 'deal'
    • HINT: Use the LIKE operator to get the deals