Tell the server that we want to add new rows (records) to a table

If we want to bulk insert data, we can reference it from another table

INSERT INTO "<schema_name>"."<table_name>" (<field_name1>, <field_name2>)
SELECT <value1>, <value2>
FROM <table> | <view>;
Product Offers

We have received a bulk of new planned offers in a CSV file

  • CSV = Comma Separated Values
  • It's a bit like a table where:
    • Columns are separated by commas
    • Rows are separated by new lines
Loading this into a staging table
  • When we receive data from an external source like this it is a good idea not to put it into our production database immediately
  • It is best to create a 'staging' table so we can triage it before we bulk insert
  • Let's call our staging table stage_Product_Offers
  • It will be the same as Product_Offers except:
    • We're including the word stage_ in the table name
    • We're not including the offer_id because this will be generated automatically
CREATE TABLE "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers" (
	offer_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
	product_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
	offer_discount_percentage NUMERIC(4,2),
	offer_start_date DATE,
	offer_end_date DATE

Make sure the schema is included in the name

Import the CSV data to this table

Because we are using a Docker image we can't just pull the data straight from our hard-drive.

  • Right-click on the stage_Product_Offers table (screenshot 3)

  • Click 'Import/Export Data...' and fill the form out:

    Options Tab
    • Import/Export = Import
    • Filename
      • Click on the file icon on the right
      • Click the up-arrow icon on the left of the new pop-up until you get to the root folder ('/') (screenshot 5)
      • You should see a long list of folders
      • Select the 'tmp' file (this is the only one not locked)
      • Click the 'Upload file' icon (screenshot 6)
      • Locate the CSV file from (your project folder)\apprentice-boot-camp-databases\backend\imports\Product_Offers_Data.csv
      • Drag and drop the CSV file into the grey area below
      • Click the x on the top-right of the pop-up. The file should now be in the /tmp/ folder (screenshot 7)
      • Click 'Select' in the bottom-right and the file should appear as /tmp/Product_Offers_Data.xls
    • Format = csv
    • Encoding = SQL_ASCII
    • Header = Set the toggle on
    • Delimiter = , (comma)
    Columns tab
    • Columns to Import = Select all 5 columns in the order they are in the table from the dropdown (screenshot 9). They may already be pre-populated
  • Click OK on the bottom-right of the import/export wizard to start the import

All being well the data should now be in the staging table

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers";

INSERT INTO Product_Offers

Now if we run the following:

INSERT INTO "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
	(offer_name, product_id, offer_discount_percentage, offer_start_date, offer_end_date)
SELECT offer_name
	, product_id
	, offer_discount_percentage
	, offer_start_date
	, offer_end_date
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."stage_Product_Offers";

we should find the 19 new offers have been inserted into the Product_Offers table

and if we query the table we can see the new offers:

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers";
1. External Product_Offers CSV Location 2. Create stage_Product_Offer 3. Find the menu to import into stage_Product_Offer 4. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (Start) 5. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (Files) 6. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (Upload File) 7. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (Uploaded File) 8. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (End) 9. Menu to import into stage_Product_Offer (Columns) 10. CSV Imported to stage_Product_Offer