Tell the server that we want to add a new row (records) to a table
INSERT INTO "<schema_name>"."<table_name>" (<field_name1>, <field_name2>)
VALUES (<value1>, <value2>;

INSERT INTO - Specify the table and then each column in the order you want to insert the data VALUES - What you want to put into these columns as part of a new row

Product Offers

Let's add that new offer into the table we've just created

(Hint: You can drag the column headers from the browser section rather than typing them out)

INSERT INTO "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers"
	(offer_name, product_id, offer_discount_percentage, offer_start_date, offer_end_date)
VALUES ('Introductory Discount', 65, 5.5, '2021-09-01', '2021-09-30');

Make sure the schema is included in the name

If we run this script in a Query Tool Window, we should get:

  • A message logging that an INSERT script was run with the number of rows (1)
    • The rows is the last number on the message. The 0 is a legacy value that can be ignored
  • A message logging whether it was successful
  • How long it took to create if it was successful
Checking the table

Now if we query the table we should find our record has been added

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Product_Offers";
1. INSERT new Product Offer example 1. Product Offer table with first offer added


  1. Add yourself as a customer in the Customers table, with a date_joined of today
    • Remember customer_id is automatically generated so should not be included