Join 2 tables, all values from 1 table, matches only from the other
SELECT           l.<field1>, l.<field2>, r.<field1>, r.<field2>
FROM             <schema_name>.<table_name> | <view_name> AS l
LEFT OUTER JOIN  <schema_name>.<table_name> | <view_name> AS r
            ON l.<field1> = r.<field1> AND l.<field2> = r.<field2>;
  • LEFT OUTER JOIN = Returns all rows from the left table, and the matching rows from the right table


Let's join Sales_Header to Customers again but this time:

  • We'll put the Customer table first
  • We'll filter for customers with the first name Amelie
FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Customers" AS cu
INNER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Header" AS sh 
    ON cu.customer_id = sh.customer_id
WHERE cu.customer_name LIKE 'Amelie%';

This returns 5 transactions

  • All for 'Amelie R.D.S'.

Now let's apply a LEFT OUTER JOIN to this query:

FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Customers" AS cu
LEFT OUTER JOIN "sequel-mart-schema"."Sales_Header" AS sh 
    ON cu.customer_id = sh.customer_id
WHERE cu.customer_name LIKE 'Amelie%';

This time we get 6 transactions

  • 5 for 'Amelie R.D.S'
  • 1 for 'Amelie M.W.H' with NULL for the columns in Sales_Header
What's going on?
  • Amelie M.W.H is a registered customer but has not had a transaction yet
  • An INNER JOIN only returns records if they are in both tables
  • A LEFT OUTER JOIN forces the query to return all records from the left-hand table
  • The left table is the first in the join (Customers in this case)
  • So we get one dummy record to acknowledge the record in Customers with NULLs in the right-hand table

Make sure we're using the right join type to get the result we're expecting

  • NULL is a special placeholder to say the data doesn't exist or is unknown
    • You can query for the existence of NULLs with the IS NULL syntax
    • For example WHERE sh.sale_id IS NULL
  • LEFT OUTER JOIN is the longer form of this type of join
  • We can just use LEFT JOIN and the queries would run in the same way
  • RIGHT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT JOIN returns everything from table b and matches from table a
1. LEFT OUTER JOIN returns matches found in BOTH tables only 2. Inner Joining Customers to Sales Header for customers called Amelie 3. Outer Joining Customers to Sales Header for customers called Amelie


  1. Apart from Amelie M.W.H how many other customers are yet to make a transaction?
    • HINT: Add WHERE sh.sale_id IS NULL after your join