SELECT <field1>, <field2>
    (SELECT <field1>, <field2>
     FROM <schema_name>.<table_name>
    ) AS <alias1>

SQL statements can be nested inside one another

The result of the inner statement forms the data set which is fed to the outer table

Sub-queries can appear inside a SELECT, FROM or WHERE clause

They are similar to a function calling another function

For example:

SELECT 'Summary' AS Title
	, sub_query.*
	, popularity + 5 AS popularity_plus
	SELECT product_id, product_item, popularity
	FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Products"
	WHERE popularity > 80
) AS sub_query
WHERE popularity + 5 > 90;
Sub query (executed first)
	SELECT product_id, product_item, popularity
	FROM "sequel-mart-schema"."Products"
	WHERE popularity > 80
  • We are extracting 3 columns from the Products table
  • We are applying a filter on popularity
  • This sub query must be aliased (AS sub_query in this case)
  • We get a 3 column/12 row result
  • This forms the FROM clause for the main query
Main query (executed last)

The outer SELECT demonstrates:

  • Passing in a static value ('Summary')
  • Returning all columns in the sub-query (, sub_query.*)
  • Applying an arithmetic operation popularity + 5
  • Applying a further WHERE comparison operator to the main query (popularity + 5 > 90)
1. Nested SELECT (Sub Query) 1. Nested SELECT (Main Query)