"Acceptable values that can be returned or stored"

Key points:

  • Regulates input to ensure it’s acceptable
  • The data type is included for each returned column in the Query Tool
  • Helps to optimise the execution plan by assigning resources appropriately
    • e.g. Limiting to a smallint over an int saves 2 bytes per row
    • Over a 1 billion row table, that would save ~1GB in storage and memory to query

Common Types Input Accepted Bytes Reserved
... ... ...
VARCHAR(x) Text, number or other ascii character up to the number in brackets.
e.g. (varchar(10) would accept up to 10 characters)
NVARCHAR(x) As above but also accepts foreign ascii characters (e.g. ä, é, ø, ü) 2*chars+1
... ... ...
Integers (Whole Numbers)
BIT Either 0 or 1 (used for yes/no or true/false flags) 1
SMALLINT Any whole number between -32,767 and 32,767 2
INT Any whole number between -2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,647 4
BIGINT -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 8
... ... ...
Numeric (also known as Decimal)
NUMERIC(p, s) Any decimal up to the number of digits (precision) and decimal places (scale)
e.g. (numeric(5,2) would accept a number up to 999.99)
... ... ...
Dates & Times
DATE A date based on the current locale in YYYY-MM-DD format 3
TIMESTAMP A date based on the current locale in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS format 5-8
1. Data Type = 'text' 2. Data Type = 'integer' 3. Data Type = 'numeric' 4. Data Type = 'timestamp'