To access a query window in pg-admin:
  • Left-click the Tools menu at the top and click Query Tool
  • or Right-click Tables and click Query Tool

A new editing window should appear in the canvas on the right

To close the window

  • Right-click on the tab containing the Query Tool
  • Click Remove Panel

Commenting lines of SQL

We can add comments to our code when developing script

These will be ignored by the query engine and are designed as a prompt for a developer

Some like including it, others don't but it can be useful in the right context

A comment for a single line of SQL only starts with two dashes --

e.g. --This is a comment on a single line

Comments can go over multiple lines when enclosed between /* and */

This is a comment
on multiple lines
1. Access the Query Tool Window 2. Close the Query Tool Window 3. Comments in the Query Tool