Required Downloads

  • Make sure the following has been installed on your computer:

Project Set Up

  • Add a folder somewhere on your computer. This will store the project.
  • Open this folder as a new project in your code editor.
  • Open a terminal window (if using VS Code, the shortcut is ctrl+').
  • cd <file path> to the folder you've just created
  • Run git clone
  • Run cd .\apprentice-boot-camp-databases\ to access the root folder

Docker Desktop

  • Open Docker Desktop
  • Check for a folder called apprentice-boot-camp-databases

  • If this Docker folder does not exist:
    • In your terminal, run ./ (if using a Mac) or ./setup.bat (if using Windows)
    • Leave it to run. It may take a few minutes for the setup process to complete

  • If this Docker folder does exist but is greyed out:
    • In your terminal, run ./ (if using a Mac) or ./run.bat (if using Windows)

  • After about 30 seconds, check the services are running as per screenshot 1
  • You can stop the services at any time by hitting ctrl+c or cmd+c on the terminal session and terminating the batch job if prompted.
  • Stopping the services will not remove them from Docker Desktop.
  • They can be restarted with ./ or ./run.bat as above.

Project Locations

  • Sequel-Mart frontend should be on http://localhost:5001/
  • pgAdmin 4 (PostgreSQL's Managed Database Platform) should be on http://localhost:5050/
    • NOTE: The setup might not work if you already have something running on these ports
    • In that case you will have to:
      • Adjust the port numbers of lines 32 and/or 46 of docker-compose.yml (screenshot 4)
      • Save the .yml, teardown the project (as below) and run setup again (as above)
  • We will eventually populate the Sequel-Mart front-end with data from the PostgreSQL database

Accessing PostgreSQL

  • In pgAdmin, expand Servers on the top left
  • It will prompt you for a password. This is MDigital21
  • You should now see the server group (sequel-mart) and an expandable list called Databases.
  • Expand Databases > sequel-mart > Schemas > sequel-mart-schema > tables
  • There should be 6 tables:
    • Customers, Dates, Products, Sales_Detail, Sales_Header and Stores

Tearing Down the Project

  • When you no longer need the project on your machine:
  • In your terminal, run ./ (if using a Mac) or ./teardown.bat (if using Windows)
  • When ./teardown has completed, you can remove the greyed-out folder completely from Docker Desktop
  • They can be recreated with ./ or ./setup.bat as above if needed.
1. Docker Desktop (setup complete) 2. Sequel-Mart web page 3. PostgreSQL on first load 4. Default Port locations on docker-compose.yml 5. Permanently delete the project folder from docker desktop